Coffee has an incredible variety of flavors and notes. Should you be able recognize these, it is said that you can fully enjoy your coffee. You can learn how to train your palate with a little practice.


1. Smell


Pour a cup of coffee, smell the coffee and analyze the smell. Ask yourself the following questions: Are there notes of nuts? If so, what do you smell -  hazelnut, peanut or almonds?


2. Taste


Take a sip and consider the various aromas and tastes in your mouth: Are there fruity notes or traces of spices? What do you feel is missing from the taste? What flavours are immediately noted? It is suggested that you first identify rough groups of tastes. These could be a groups such as fruits. After this, your can go into more detail: Does it taste more like stone fruit or citrus fruits? If citrus, is it more lemon or grapefruit? These are just some examples you can ask yourself.


3. Rate Acid


Now take another sip. What are your thoughts on the acidity of the coffee? Is it a pleasant acidity, that gives freshness? Or, are the acidity notes harsh, pungent, sweetish or mild?


4. Evaluate Texture


The final step is to evaluate the texture of the coffee. Coffee can be light and thin or heavy and long-lasting in taste. Ask yourself, does the coffee feel creamy and thick in the mouth or fine and refreshing? Does the taste remain or does it disappear immediately?


The Coffee Book

Anette Moldvaer

© Dorling Kindersley Publishing Company GmbH, Munich, May 2015